TBR | The 5-Star Readathon


Me? Writing a TBR for a readathon less than an hour before it starts? It’s more likely than you think!! I heard about this a few days ago but the procrastination bug bit me in the ass so here I am!! This is a readathon hosted by Elise @ TheBookishActress, and you can find more info right here! It runs from October 1st to 8th and it’s all about books you predict will be 5 star reads for you. Without further ado, let’s get on with the actual TBR.

1. Read the next book in a series you like.

1tdtThe Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
Urban fantasy, hardcover, 201

I read The Raven Boys for the second time earlier this year and absolutely adored it, so I’ve finally decided to bite the bullet, so to speak. I’m wary about this book, not because I don’t think I’ll love it but because I have such high expectations from the last one that if it lives up to it every other sequel is going to pale in comparison and honestly I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


2. Read a book by a favorite author.

1vengeful.pngVengeful by V.E. Schwab
Science fiction, hardcover, 2018

This one could have also worked for number one, but what can I say, October is unofficially sequel month. I’m so beyond excited for Vengeful I don’t even have words to properly articulate how much I want to read this book. And I talk a lot so leaving me speechless is a major accomplishment. I read Vicious also earlier this year so my wait hasn’t even been that long, but it still feels like 5 years.

3. Read a book you were anticipating and never got around to reading.

1sinner.pngSinner by Maggie Stiefvater
Urban fantasy, hardcover, 2014

Yet another Stiefvater novel, I’ve been putting Sinner off since I finished Forever at 10:30pm on December 31st, yes I skipped out on New Years Eve celebrations to finish the book don’t @ me. Why then did I stall reading this one? Well you see, I’ve heard through the grapevine, aka my friend that made me read the books in the first place, that Sinner is going to destroy my Cole loving heart, so that’s good and fresh.

4. Read a book over 500 pages.

1tpw.pngThe Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
Fantasy, hardcover, 2018

Clocking in at 544 pages, The Poppy War just barely makes the cut for this challenge but I’m perfectly okay with that. There’s a pattern to this TBR and it’s a Stiefvater book followed by a 2018 release and I’m okay with that one too. I’ve recommended this book so many times that I figure it’s finally time to tackle it, and what better time than right now?


5. Read five books.

1tsslobt.pngThe Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
Paranormal, hardcover, 2010

This is technically a reread, but it’s been so long I genuinely can only tell you the main characters name because it’s in the title of the book. I’m excited to return to the Twilight universe again, and I remember when this book came out being excited about the prospect of seeing the world from a different lens than Edward-occupied Bella so I’m hoping that rings true through this novella.


That’s the end of this TBR!! I’ll see you all after I’ve finished at least some of these books hopefully.

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